Saturday, January 19, 2013

This week in Five 3!

     Christmas is done, and we are back to school!  This year seems to be flying by, don't you think?

     The middle of winter brings so many lessons to be learned in fifth grade.  Our math lessons center around decimals - everything you EVER wanted to know about decimals!  Right now in our Language Arts classes we are working with verbs.  Ask your fifth grader to show you their Verb Poem.  I am so pleased with the way these turned out.  They are displayed on our lockers right now, but will be returned soon.  Speaking of items being returned soon, the research report, which we labored on for so long, will be in the Monday Mail in a couple weeks.  They look so sharp on our lockers that I'm NOT wanting to take them down!  We have received many compliments on them from all who walk by.

     What made you smile this week?  For me, it was Chase's Verb Poem.  It was the lovely, hand-written thank you card from Calyn. It was the beautifully drawn picture from Anna and the color page from Savannah.

Stay well and stay warm,
Mrs. Roehrkasse

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