Saturday, September 8, 2012

     This week we will visit Cahokia Mounds for our yearly field trip.  We are all very excited and look forward to this day every year.  It is incredible that we live so close to this ancient lost civilization.  Are you aware that there is a photo of Monk's Mound in our social studies book?  Go look at page 61!  The page has some interesting information that we'll learn more about when we're there.
     A special thank you goes out to all the parents who have volunteered to go with us this year.  We sincerely wish we could take you ALL on the buses with us.  Since that is not possible, we certainly hope you join us by driving yourself or carpooling with other parents.  After our picnic lunch at Cahokia Mounds, we will head over to Soulard Market for a little shopping.  

    I pulled the photo below out from the archives!  It shows the current seventh graders (I think!) when they were on THEIR fifth grade field trip to Cahokia Mounds.  They are seated at the base of Monk's Mound.  Do you see anybody you recognize?  I hope my current fifth graders will pose for a photo just like this on Friday!

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