Friday, January 20, 2012

     I do hope every one of you enjoyed your first week of D.A.R.E. class.  Sheriff Mike certainly enjoyed his time with all of you.  Just a reminder that this Tuesday, January 25th, he will return for another lesson.  In order to get to know you a little better, Sheriff Mike will go from row to row and ask you to tell him your last name and the names of your parents.  He might discover that he knows your mom or dad!

     We will truly have a buy day on Tuesday.  Besides Sheriff Mike, Mrs. Bergman will also be paying us a visit.  She will be in our classroom at 10:50 to teach us a little about January's character pillar - FAIRNESS.

     Do your parents know that we dismiss a 11:30 on Friday?  No lunch will be served on that day, so make sure you have a lunch planned for yourself!

     After reading this post, you may want to click on the HOMEWORK PAGE and preview everything that I have planned for you this coming week.  I have TWO words for you that you may find somewhat upsetting - "THREE TESTS!"  That being said...have a nice weekend and I'll see you on Monday!

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