Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let It Snowman!
    January certainly blew in this week with a fury we haven't seen for awhile.  It's been difficult on us because those outside recesses, which we enjoy so much, have been few and far between.  Recess in the gym is not nearly as exciting and fun as going outside and running for thirty minutes.  Perhaps Mother Nature will grant us some "outside time" this week.

     Speaking of this week...Science Fair will take place on Tuesday, January 17.  Mrs. Lerch has done such a wonderful job preparing the fifth graders.  Good luck to all our fifth grade "budding scientists" who have worked such long and hard hours on their project.  I am one of the judges, and although I may not be judging your project, I do look forward to seeing it on display!

     Due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Monday will be a day off for us at Red Bud Elementary.  I hope you all enjoy this one day break and return to school ready to work!

     Remember, Sheriff Mike Hoelscher will be in our classroom on Tuesdays for the next several months. He is looking forward to meeting this year's group of fifth graders and is excited to present the D.A.R.E. program.